Chú thích Thông Biện

  1. Nguyễn Tài Thư (chủ biên), Lịch sử Phật giáo Việt Nam. Nhà xuất bản Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội, 1988.
  2. Thích Nhất Hạnh Master Tang Hôi: first Zen teacher in Vietnam and China 2001 Page 21 "He was able to respond eloquently when the queen asked about the origins of Buddhism in Vietnam, and so the queen asked the king to bestow on him the title of National Teacher Clear Eloquence (Thong Bien).
  3. Keith Weller Taylor, John K. Whitmore Essays Into Vietnamese Pasts 1995 Page 90 "Thông Biện even specified that at his time (eleventh century) Huệ Sinh (?-1064) and Chan Khong (died 1100) represented the Vinltaruci sect, while Viên Chiếu (999-1090) and Quang Tri (died around 1085-1091) carried on the V6 Ngon.
  4. David G. Marr, Anthony Crothers Milner Southeast Asia in the Ninth to Fourteenth Centuries 1986 Page 148 " Thông Biện's biography reveals that in 1096 he was consulted by the Queen Mother (Ỷ Lan) for an explanation of the history of Buddhism in Vietnam; his answers to her questions reveal him as an impressive scholar."